he 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies
September 28-30, 2012
A Turn to Belarus: Ideas, Methods, Concepts
Dear colleagues,
The Consortium of Belarusian and Lithuanian organisations under the auspices of the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and “Political Sphere” Institute (Belarus) is pleased to announce a call for individual applications for the 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies, held on September 28-30, 2012 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Around 200 scholars from around the world, engaged in studying Belarus and East-Central Europe region, are expected to participate. The Congress will bring together researches of social sciences and humanities, and offer the discussion of regional development issues, Belarus relations with other countries, and other topical problems.
For further details on the concept of the Congress, its organizers and partners, please visit Web-site of the
The working languages of the Congress are Belarusian and English (simultaneous interpretation of the plenary sessions and joint meetings will be provided). Additional languages are Russian, Polish and Lithuanian. The speakers may present their theses in any of the working or additional languages.
The contributors will have an opportunity to publish their papers either in theses compendium or as full articles.
In order to apply, please
- Fill in the form
- Upload theses to the above indicated form (max. 400 words, in any working or additional language)
- If accommodation and travel expense reimbursement needed, please fill in the appropriate sections in the above indicated form.
Please, feel free to ask any questions via [email protected]
The deadline for application is June 15, 2012
Organizers and partners of the Congress: Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Political Studies Institute “Political Sphere” (Belarus), Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute (Lithuania), International Consortium “EuroBelarus” (Belarus), Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (Belarus), Online-magazine “Novaja Eŭropa”, Centre for Eastern Studies at Warsaw University (Poland), Agency of Humanitarian Technologies (Belarus), Centre for Social Innovations (Belarus), Expert community “Našie Mnienije” (Belarus), Centre for Eastern Politics (Lithuania), “Arche” magazine (Belarus), online-magazine “BelarusDigest” (The United Kingdom).
Preliminary structure of the Congress
Research fields
(Composed on the basis of the approved joint proposals)
(Social history, political history, economic history)
1. Grand Duchy of Lithuania: politics, government system, law, external relations.
2. Lingua and natio: the ethnicity issue in The Middle Ages and The Early Modern Times (the case of Grand Duchy of Lithuania).
3. Modernization, industrialization and political transformation: Belarus in XIX-XX centuries.
(Art and literature studies, theological thought, Bible studies)
4. Modern Belarusian culture: art market, management and practices.
5. Modern Belarusian art: discourse, theory, practice.
6. Belarusian cinema: re-interpretation of “the soviet” and the problems of post-soviet period.
7. Belarusian literature: translation, publishing, study.
8. Belarusian Bible: issues and prospects for scientific translation.
9. Theological thought in Belarus: historical and social context, research agenda and prospects for development.
Social sciences
(Political science, political economy, international relations, European studies)
10. The institutional design of Belarusian politics, 1990-2012.
11. Belarus in the system of international and bilateral relations.
12. European studies in Belarusian context.
13. Belarus: the challenges of economic and political modernization.
14. The problems of Belarusian economy transformation.
Interdisciplinary fields
(Memory politics, contemporary history, social and political theory, urban studies, religious studies, gender studies)
15. Varieties of (post)communism in East-Central Europe.
16. Social sciences and humanities: the shift of the research paradigms.
17. City, urbanization, community: past and present (historical urban studies).
18. Religious studies in Belarus through the last twenty years: results and perspectives.
19. Gender politics and practices in Belarus.
20. Theorizing of Gender studies in Belarusian humanities.
The applied research fields:
21. The reform of Belarusian educational system: practice and conceptual framework.
22. Civil society studies in Belarus.