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Home » Congress – 2015
Working Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies

We would like to presen the results of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies in the Congress Working Papers.
Statistical results of the 5th Congress

The Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies took place on 2-4 October 2015 in Kaunas. Please see some results of the poll conducted among its participants.
Working Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies (deadline – 1 February 2016)

Working Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies. Volume 5, 2015
Submission deadline – 1 February 2016
Photo from the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies

The Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies took place on 2-4 October 2015 in Kaunas (Lithuania) and gathered around 500 participants and guests.
The results of Congress Award in 2015

On 3 October 2015 the winners of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies Award for the best academic publication in 2013-2014 were announced in Kaunsa (Lithuania).
Programme of the 5th International Congress of Belarusian Studies

We are glad to present you the programme of the 5th International Congress of Belarusian Studies (2-4 October 2015, Kaunas, Lithuania)
Congress Award for foreign researchers – short list announcement

Абвешчаны шорт-ліст Прэміі Міжнароднага Кангрэса даследчыкаў Беларусі за найлепшую навуковую публікацыю на беларускую тэматыку для замежных даследчыкаў у галіне сацыяльных і гуманітарных навук.
Short list of Congress Award in Social and Political Sciences announced

We are pleased to announce short list of the Award of International Congress of Belarusian Studies for the best scientific publication in social and political sciences.
Registration of guests for the 5th International Congress is continuing. Deadline – 20 September
Registration of guests for the 5th International Congress of Belarusian Studies is continiung. The Congress will take place 2-4 October 2015 in Kaunas (Lithuania).