“Belarus: Northern Dimension (Scandinavia and Baltic States)”
Consortium of Belarusian and Lithuanian organisations (about 15 partners) under the auspices of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and the Institute “Political Sphere” (Belarus) is currently working on preparation of the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies (Social Siences and Humanities).,
We expect attendance of over three hundred scholars and researchers from around the world who are engaged in researches on Baltic region, East-Central Europe, and Belarus. The Congress will gather experts in sociology, political science, history, economics, philosophy and other fields of social sciences and humanities.
Belarus is usually regarded as a land located between West and East, Poland and Russia, Catholicism and Orthodoxy, Europe and Non-European civilisations. Variety of interpretations of its location results in variety of conceptions of the country: either as a bridge between civilisations, or as a borderland of cultures, or as a country that balances between major geopolitical options, East or West.
However, this choice can lead to a deliberate trap. A broad range of opportunities is replaced by a narrow dichotomy, which constrains other alternatives of orientation and development. From this perspective, northern dimension, which was always important in the history of the region, looks very promising.
Bearing this in mind, the Consortium announces the establishment of communication and cooperation with Baltic and Scandinavian countries as a priority of the Third Congress under the slogan: “Belarus: Northern Dimension”. We call upon researches and academic communities of the region to participate in the event in various forms, such as panel organisation or individual presentations.
Mission of the Third Congress of Belarusian Studies:
– To promote cooperation between Belarusian researches and researchers from Baltic and Scandinavian region in various fields, not necessarily related to Belarus and the region.
– To promote regional and comparative research on Baltic Sea region in its broad concept.
Deadline for applications for organisation of panels is 5 March 2013.
Deadline for individual applications is 10 June 2013.
Organising committee will be glad to engage in other forms of cooperation: presentation of research results, projects, books, organisation of public exhibitions, etc. Relevant offers are accepted till 10 June 2013.
We are looking forward to your response. Congress organisers will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the event.
Organising committee