Working Papers of the Sixth International Congress of Belarusian Studies. Volume 6, 2017
Submission deadline – 15 December 2016
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Rules of submission for the papers of the Sixth International Congress of Belarusian Studies

Submission guidelines for: Acta Albaruthenica, Manuscript style of Homo Historicus, Submission guidelines for Political Sphere, Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne, Belarusian Political Science Review. Submission guide for short Working Papers of the Congress
Rules of submission for the papers of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies
Submission guidelines for Acta Albaruthenica Manuscript style of Homo Historicus Submission guidelines for Political Sphere Submission guidelines for Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne Submission guidelines for Belarusian Political Science Review Submission guide for short Working Papers of the Congress Please send all materials and additional questions to [email protected]
Working Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies

We would like to presen the results of the Fifth International Congress of Belarusian Studies in the Congress Working Papers.
Working Papers of the Fourth International Congress of Belarusian Studies

We would like to presen the results of the Fourth International Congress of Belarusian Studies in the Congress Working Papers.
Working papers of the Fourth International Congress of Belarusian Studies (deadline – 1.03.2015)

Working papers of the Fourth International Congress of Belarusian Studies Volume 4, 2014 Deadline: 1 March 2015 In order to streamline the work on large quantity of materials submitted after the Congress, and to increase visibility and influence of publications, the organising committee created a network of specialised journals in various fields of social […]
Working Papers of the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies

We would like to presen the results of the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies in the Congress Working Papers.
Збор тэзісаў Трэцяга Міжнароднага Кангрэса даследчыкаў Беларусі / Call for papers from the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies

Шаноўныя калегі, арганізацыйны камітэт Міжнароднага Кангрэса даследчыкаў Беларусі рады абвесціць пра збор тэкстаў кангрэса 2013 года для публікацыі ў зборніку. Правілы падачы і афармлення тэкстаў глядзіце калі ласка ў дадатку.
The Second International Congress of Belarusian Studies: Call for Working Papers
We would like to remind that the results of the Second International Congress of Belarusian Studies will be published in Congress Working Papers.
Working Papers of the First International Congress of Belarusian Studies
We are pleased to present the electronic version of Working Papers of the First International Congress of Belarusian Studies. The Congress was held in Kaunas on September 23-25, 2011 and gathered around 200 participants from all over the world. Contents (pdf) Editorial Language Policy and Transliteration Principles (pdf) Section 1. Grand Duchy of […]