Working Papers
of the Sixth International Congress of Belarusian Studies
Volume 6, 2017
Submission deadline – 15 December 2016
In order to streamline the work on large quantity of materials submitted after the Congress, and to increase visibility and influence of publications, the organising committee created a network of specialised journals in various fields of social sciences and humanities. The priority now will be given to full articles. The articles can be published in the following journals:
Acta Albaruthenica (Poland) – philology, linguistics, history (due to 1, December, 2016).
Homo Historicus (Belarus) – history, anthropological and social history
Political Sphere (Палітычная сфера) (Belarus-Lithuania) – political science, sociology, international relations, political history
Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne (Poland) – history, political science
Please find the submission rules and writing style at the Congress website:
The papers should be submitted to the coordinator of publication of working papers [email protected]
In your letter please indicate the journal to which you submit the material.