he 2nd International Congress of Belarusian Studies September 28-30, 2012 A Turn to Belarus: Ideas, Methods, Concepts Dear colleagues, The Consortium of Belarusian and Lithuanian organisations under the auspices of the Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and “Political Sphere” Institute (Belarus) is pleased to announce a call for individual applications for the 2nd International Congress of Belarusian […]
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A Turn to Belarus: Ideas, Methods and Concepts. Preliminary thematic structure of the Congress History (social history, political history, economic history): Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Politics, System of Government, Law and International Relations Lingua et Natio: Ethnicity Problem in Middle Ages and Early Modern Time (Grand Duchy of Lithuania Case) Modernisation, Industrialisation and […]
секцыіInternational Congress of Belarusian Studies (Kaunas, Lithuania, 23-25 September 2011)
The First International Congress of Belarusian Studies, which was held in Kaunas (Lithuania), gathered around 200 participants from 14 countries. The Congress became an important event of Belarusian academic community, which gathered a wide range of historians, political scientists, sociologists and scholars from other disciplines, as well as experts from different fields. During the work […]
The 1st International Congress of Belarusian studies in media
Euramost. 08.04.2011 Андрэй Казакевіч: “Адзіная магчымасць прадухілення ізаляцыі беларускіх даследчыкаў – прадастаўленне ім альтэрнатыўных пляцовак” Доктар паліталагічных навук, дырэктар Інстытута палітычных даследванняў “Палітычная сфера” Андрэй Казакевіч са шкадаваннем канстатуе, што на сённяшні дзень многія беларускія даследчыкі не маюць магчымасці рабіць паўнавартасную акадэмічную кар’еру. Асноўную прычыну гэтага ён бачыць у досыць вялікай кансерватыўнасці і закрытасці акадэмічнай […]
mediaInternational Congress of Belarusian Studies (Kaunas, Lithuania, 23-25 September 2011)
The First International Congress of Belarusian Studies, which was held in Kaunas (Lithuania), gathered around 200 participants from 14 countries. The Congress became an important event of Belarusian academic community, which gathered a wide range of historians, political scientists, sociologists and scholars from other disciplines, as well as experts from different fields. During the work […]
Call for proposals. Deadline: July 15, 2011
The main academic event of 2011 – the International Congress of Belarusian Studies (September 23-25, Kaunas, Lithuania) On July 15, 2011 comes the deadline for proposals for the First International Congress of Belarusian Studies. Organising committee has received more than 60 applications from all over the world: Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, France, Czech Republic, […]
Call for proposals for the Congress. Deadline – July 15, 2011
Dear Colleagues, Consortium of Belarusian and Lithuanian organisations under the auspices of Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and the Institute “Political Sphere” (Belarus) announces the call for proposals for the First International Congress of Belarusian Studies (Kaunas, Lithuania, 23-25 September 2011) More than 100 scholars and researchers from all over the world who study Belarus and […]
International Congress of Belarusian Studies – 2011
The main academic event of 2011 – International Congress of Belarusian Studies (September 23-25, 2011, Kaunas, Lithuania) Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the establishment of the International Congress of Belarusian Studies. The congress was founded by Belarusian and Lithuanian academic community representatives as annual public event oriented on intellectual community as well as […]